

Autonoleggio Prestige


Thanks to our Company, you can hire cars and drivers.
Hiring cars and drivers is the safest and most elegant means of transport and it allows our customers to travel to and from any destination, freely and in the utmost secrecy.
We always supply our customers with first-rate cars and fully qualified staff, thus we can guarantee a service which is safe, fast and highly comfortable.

Our services are suitable for every kind of customer.
Our customers include both private citizens travelling for pleasure, for educational and touristic purposes and companies travelling on business.
Our fares are flat rate, agreed upon in advance and really favourable in comparison to taxi fares. Our fares should not be paid in advance: our customers can pay the bill, either cash or by credit card, after the service has been provided.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case you need further information.
If you need an estimate, please come in contact with us, either by giving us a ring or by sending an e-mail to our address: our estimates are free and without obligation.

Our phone numbers are available 24 hours a day: so our customers can call us any time.

These are not the only advantages for Companies and businessmen.
We can make invoicing easier for those customers who regularly use our services: our Company can issue an invoice at the end of each month and we can agree upon payment, which can be made within 60 days after the service has been provided.

“Autonoleggio Prestige” means hiring cars and drivers: we stand by our name and supply our customers with cars which are checked regularly, clean, tidy and fully insured even as far as passengers are concerned.