

Autonoleggio Prestige


- “Autonoleggio Prestige” always regards customer satisfaction as its most important goal: we always aim at providing our customers with first class and exclusive services.

- Our quality policy is featured by some peculiar “plusses” our customers take from us:

- First-rate expertise for the whole period of our service.

- Smartness is always pursued, as far as the range of our cars and their state of repair are concerned. 
Our cars are always clean, tidy and fully checked, as far as their mechanicals and aesthetical features are concerned.
Our drivers’ outfit is always elegant and plain.

- We are always on time when it comes to welcoming our customers.

- We have a very good knowledge of road network; different routes are suggested and taken, when the traffic is really heavy.

- Our services are offered in the utmost secrecy and privacy.

- We always take out full car insurance and maximum rates which are suitable for taking passengers by car.